Thursday, June 19, 2014

One Direction: 16.06.14.

So yeah, judge me if you will, but I went to see One Direction live in Copenhagen last Monday. I'm not a fan or anything, I just think it's fun to listen to their music, and I've thought for a while now that if I ever had the money, I'd go to one of their concerts in Denmark. When my friend Marie then offered me her ticket for a cheaper price, who was I to refuse? 

I feel like I gotta tell my honest opinion about the concert, and so I will. I've never before been alone to a concert, and it wasn't really a problem, since I didn't arrive in the queue until 13:45 (it opened up at noon) and was still first row. I only had to wait until 16:30 to be let in, because Marie had bought early entry, which was so cool! I must say that I chose an awful place to stand, but that was just because the stage looked so weird and confusing with all the things to walk on and whatever it all was.

McBusted were support, which I really loved, but I would've loved to see 5 Seconds of Summer as well. I've never really been a big fan of either McFly or Busted, but of course I know the greatest hits and I sang my heart out to Year 3000. They had so much energy on stage, though, and they even learned a bit Danish to show us - one of them knew how to say "I am a woman", which was quite weird and unusual, but pretty cool. They seemed genuinely happy to play in Copenhagen!

One Direction opened their show with one of their latest hits Midnight Memories and I really like that one. I didn't know all the songs they sang, but I did sing along to those I did know. To be honest they didn't really do much on stage, they wandered around and did a few very awkward dancemoves, but it was alright. I'm not up for artists doing a lot of weird things on stage. 

If I have to mention things that annoyed me, it was firstly that I had to pee during the entire show. I'd scored myself a spot by the barrier and I didn't want to leave it for those three hours where we waited for them, because I didn't know anyone who I could trust with my spot. By the end of the show I admit I was kind of wishing for it to be over so I could get to the toilet. Another thing that annoyed me a lot was that they were sometimes showing weird little videoclips in the style of pacman or something on the screens that were supposed to show what the boys were doing when they were on the catwalk. Standing where I stood I couldn't see them on the catwalk unless I turned around and stood on my toes, so it annoyed me a whole damn lot when I couldn't even see them on the screen right in front of my face. The last annoying thing was that Zayn seemed out of his mind, especially when he called us Swedish people, which was kind of embarrassing. Oopsie, huh.

But all in all the concert was really great, no pushing really did the magic! I could actually enjoy the entire show without having to worry about someone trying to take my spot or humping my bum or whatever. I also really loved that they connected so well with the audience, because when there are 45.000 people gathered in one place, that must be really difficult. They waved, commented on signs that fans were holding on, and making weird faces directly to people in the audience. 

Also we all know I am kidding no one by not mentioning Niall, so here I go: I've never heard him talk before, as I said earlier I'm not a fan, so I don't watch interviews and such, but holy damn, his accent! I knew it was great because he's Irish and I have a love for that kind of accent, but I was positively surprised anyway. He's really damn cute! I had to say that, I'm sorry.

They finished the really great concert with another one of their hits, Best Song Ever, and they kept thanking us during the show. Niall also fangirled a little over McBusted and it didn't really seem like everything they said in between the songs was all planned. Some of it probably was, but I'd like to imagine that not all of it was. 

I had an amazing experience and I can't thank Marie enough for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely see them live again sometime in the future! 

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