Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Copenhell 2014.

Copenhell, which is a metal festival, was this year moved from the weekend and added an extra day, which means it this year was 3 days long. It happened on the 11th, 12th and 13th of June.

Last minute I found out that my mum wanted to pay for me going to Copenhell, and of course I said yes please. There were a lot of bands that I wanted to see and I also got to see some I didn't know. The best ones were definitely Twisted Sister, Of Mice & Men, Tyr and Thy Art Is Murder. 

The three days were spent drinking beer, eating way too expensive festival food and running into a lot of my friends who were there as well, all whilst listening to pretty awesome music. I also met most of the guys from Of Mice & Men, which is one of my favourite bands. They were all so sweet, even though they had to leave pretty quickly. They only came out to see Iron Maiden perform.
The last day I was pretty drunk and it's kind of a blurr, but that's just a proof of how awesome the day was! We started out with a Swedish tradition called "krebsegilde" at 11am (after rarely any sleep), which is translated to "crayfish party". At which you literally just eat crayfish and drink schnapps and beer. It was pretty fun! 

I was also at Copenhell back in 2012, but I can only say that this one was a much better experience. So much fun, all the time! I hope to go back next year as well, and hopefully if I do, it'll be just as fun.

Here are some pictures that pretty well captures how the days were. They were all taken with iPhones, so I apologise for the poor quality.

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