So I might get a job soon. Finally! Well, I've found a place where I can be on an internship for 4 weeks and after that, they might hire me. I've been there to see what it's like. It's in the city centre of Copenhagen, right next to one of the busiest train stations in Copenhagen. But it's outside in a tent, so it's kinda cold. All I need is some really good socks, though, then I'm ready. We're selling juice normally, but here in the Christmas time we're mostly selling something called Glögg - I have no idea to explain what it is.. An alcoholic, Christmassy drink. I don't know how many countries have this, but yeah.
It's really exciting to sell stuff and talk to a lot of different people. I was only there for 4 hours today and I have to get some paperwork done before I can start my internship, but I'll hopefully start soon! Can't wait to do something productive again, it was an amazing feeling today!
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