Yesterday my plans of the future started - I got accepted into University of Aalborg! It's a small city quite far away from the capital where I usually live (nearly 5 hours to be exact). I'll be moving over there soon and start uni at August 30th. It will be such an amazing experience with new people and new surroundings!
Even though it's nice with a few changes, I'm already planning to go back to Copenhagen on my 2nd year of uni. It might be possible for me to transfer to Copenhagen University in a year, and then I'll be back in Copenhagen, so I don't have to do three years far away from all my friends and family, and of course the best city in Denmark.
It's kinda scary for me, to start my education at uni and most of all moving out scares the crap out of me. But I know I'll handle it pretty well. I will hopefully be having my own room, but I might live with others - people that I'll have to get to know. I'd go nuts if I had to live entirely by myself!
I will of course update you a bit, depending on what's happening.
Just came across your page - didn't know that I would be able to transfer to Uni Cph from AAU, so thanks a lot! :D