Tuesday, October 29, 2013

NOH8 Campaign II.

Firstly I should deeply apologise that I have not been posting in a long while. But right after I got my internet, my laptop decided to break down. But I am back now, fo realz, and I've missed you!

After waiting for longer than we should have, today Mia Malene, Marie and I finally received an e-mail saying that our NOH8 photo was finally ready.

I have to admit I thought they'd choose the best photo to put up on the website and then send us the rest by e-mail, but there's only one picture, chosen by them, and it's on the NOH8 website.

But I'm finally going to show you how awesome it was! 

This was an awesome day that I will never forget and I feel so proud of the three of us for supporting this campaign! Thank you to NOH8 for making it possible for us to support and for taking our picture - and thank you to MM and Marie for joining me on this amazing day!


  1. Det var SÅ hyggeligt! Og elsker billeder :D

    1. Det gør jeg virkelig også! Så snart jeg har pengene er der en fysisk kopi af det på vej til mig :D
